Jan 11 2016 1:35PM

Newsletter - 1 League Messages

Hello to everyone.
As you know from our captains meetING last Monday we are looking at makings changes to the B side for next year.
This is due to all the complaints about teams not playing to there full potental to gain an advantage on the B side finals.

First I would like to say that we all need to conside the B side las vagus trip is a bonus not a norm. We are the only league that offers this
to the B side of there league. So here are the choices that were brought up at the meeting.

1) the winner of the B side tourney will be advanced to the side A for the following year finals.
- providing they mantain the same team with at least 3 player from the following year.
- after that year is over they will be eligible for the b side trip once again
- this should move the B side winners around more
- this has the least impact on the league it self and scheduling will not be an issue

2) - all teams play for the number one spot and do a hat draw for the second trip
- can only see one problem with this format, how to make a fair schedule. Due to the limited places to play, we can only play so many teams
- Depending how the schedule comes out one team may have an unfair advantage by playing more lower ranked teams than another team
- this will put B side teams playing A side teams for the trip to Vegas

3) - stays the same

There was one more option but these are the best I think. Your team will have till the 15th of Feb to get back to the exec with your decision.
If we have not head from your team by the 15th it will be taken as you will accept the choice made by the other teams.
Please send your choice to carbum1@live.ca before the 15th


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